Dynamic Leader

Leadership Qualities

Leaders help themselves and others to do the right things. They set direction, build an inspiring vision, and create something new. Leadership is about mapping out where you need to go to "win" as a team or an organization. 
Leadership is not a position, it is the responsibility of directing  successfully an organization towards the fixed goals. 
With all precise planning, if there is no dynamic leadership, any organization will Collapse. The CEO/ Leader should have courage, generosity, knowledge, zeal and alertness.

Aiyan Thiruvalluvar says

அஞ்சாமை ஈகை அறிவூக்கம் இந்நான்கும்
எஞ்சாமை வேந்தற் கியல்பு. ( 382)

दानशीलता निडरपन, बुद्धि तथा उत्साह ।
इन चारों से पूर्ण हो, स्वभाव से नरनाह ॥ (३८२)

Explanation by Scholars

Never to fail in these four things, fearlessness, liberality, wisdom, and energy, is the kingly character.

Courage, a liberal hand, wisdom, and energy: these four are qualities a king adorn for evermore.

அஞ்சாமை = Courage,   ஈகை = Generosity,  அறிவு = Knowledge,
ஊக்கம் = Motivation. 

Kural says:

தூங்காமை கல்வி துணிவுடைமை அம்மூன்றும்
நீங்கா நிலனாள் பவற்கு. ( 383)

धैर्य तथा अविलंबना, विद्या भी हो साथ ।
ये तीनों भू पाल को, कभी न छोड़ें साथ ॥ (३८३)

Explanation by Scholars

A sleepless promptitude, knowledge, decision strong: These three for aye to rulers of the land belong.

தூங்காமை = Alertness    கல்வி = Qualification
துணிவுடைமை = Capable to take strong Decision
நிலனாள்பவற்கு= CEO

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