Maintain the Secrecy

Personality Development                                  

Secrecy is the practice of hiding information while sharing it with others. Shouldn't you announce your goals, so friends can support you? Isn't it good networking to tell people about your upcoming projects?
Answer: No.
Once you've told people of your intentions, it gives you a "premature sense of completeness."
People who talk about their intentions are less likely to make them happen. Announcing your plans to others may satisfy your self-identity.
Different tests found that those who kept their intentions private were more likely to achieve them than those who made them public.
It may seem unnatural to keep your intentions and plans private.
Announcing your plans before achieving/completion makes you less motivated and will create more problems.
Aiyan Thiruvalluvar says
கடைக்கொட்கச் செய்தக்க தாண்மை இடைக்கொட்கின்
எற்றா விழுமந் தரும். (663)

प्रकट किया कर्मान्त में, तो है योग्य सुधीर ।
प्रकट किया यदि बीच में, देगा अनन्त पीर ॥ (६६३)

Explanation by Scholars

So to perform an act as to publish it (only) at its termination is (true) manliness; for to announce it beforehand, will cause irremediable sorrow.
கடைக்கொட்க = At completion stage
செய்தக்க தாண்மை =  perform an act as to publish
இடைக்கொட்கின் = for to announce it beforehand
எற்றா விழுமந் தரும் = will cause irremediable sorrow

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