Pretentious Leaders

Leadership Qualities

The true leadership is about being authentic, real, genuine and being comfortable with weaknesses and all. 

Authentic leaders are transparent enough to tell the truth, even if it might hurt. They are vulnerable to admit the weakness, even if it may look bad. They are secure enough to ask for help, even when their pride tells to go it alone.

They admit that they don’t have answers for all problems.

The detractors may say that exhibiting these qualities weakens  leadership, but in reality it actually strengthens it. People will wholeheartedly follow an authentic leader.

This is simple wisdom for becoming a more authentic leader, and in the process a more effective and respected leader. 

It is not possible to fake authenticity and the transformational change begins from authenticity.

Pretentious Leaders create contempt. They are driven by ego and their focus is  only on themselves and not on their people.

Pretentious leaders put up a façade and project an image that is not really representative of who they are, but instead who they think they need to be based upon the opinion of others.

AiyanThiruvalluvar says

கல்லாத மேற்கொண் டொழுகல் கசடற 
வல்லதூஉம் ஐயம் தரும். (845)

अपठित में ज्यों पठित का, व्यंजित करना भाव ।
सुपठित में भी दोष बिन, जनमे संशय-भाध ॥ (८४५)

Explanation by Scholars

Fools pretending to know what has not been read (by them) will rouse suspicion even as to what they have thoroughly mastered.

அறிந்து கொள்ளாதவைகளையும் அறிந்தவர் போல ஒருவர் போலித்தனமாகக் காட்டிக் கொள்ளும் போது, அவர் ஏற்கனவே எந்தத் துறையில் திறமையுடையவராக இருக்கிறாரோ அதைப் பற்றிய சந்தேகமும் மற்றவர்களுக்கு உருவாகும்.

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