Restraining Anger

Leadership Qualities
Anger has no place. It plays no role in leading your employees towards success – theirs or yours. Many companies are left scrambling to survive because  “leadership” is angry. You don’t get people to perform at their best when you spend your time beating them down.
Anger comes from one of a couple of places – insecurity, fear or mistrust.
When you're angry, people around you know it, no matter how hard you try to hide it. They'll react by fleeing, fighting or freezing. This behavior wastes time, energy and survival of the organization.
Anger always has the effect of damaging relationships—at home, at workplace.
Anger runs counter to every positive effect that leaders should try to create in their teams.
Aiyan Thiruvallur cautions the dangers of Anger
தன்னைத்தான் காக்கின் சினங்காக்க காவாக்கால்
தன்னையே கொல்லுஞ் சினம். (305)

रक्षा हित अपनी स्वयं, बचो क्रोध से साफ़ ।
यदि न बचो तो क्रोध ही, तुम्हें करेगा साफ़ ॥ (३०५)

Explanation by Scholars:
If a man would guard himself, let him guard against anger; if he do not guard it, anger will kill him.
தன்னைத் தான் காக்கின்  = If a man would guard himself
சினங் காக்க = let him guard against anger
காவாக்கால் = if he do not guard it
தன்னையே கொல்லுஞ் சினம் = the anger will kill him.
Let us resolve today that we will stop using anger as a leadership tool. Let us be a much better leader.

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