Owning the responsibility- Team leader

Team Management
A team leader plays an important role in guiding the team members and motivating them to stay focused.
A team leader is a person who can well identify the talents and weaknesses of the team members. He can influence the other team members and utilize their abilities to overcome individual weakness.
It is unfortunate that human tendency is to shift blame on to someone as scapegoat or blaming the system/policy for our errors. If the team leaders fail to take responsibility, they will fail in their jobs, fail their teams, and fail to grow as individuals. 
Managing mistakes is like leading change management. Making mistakes is also an important part in leadership journey.
Leaders should never make fun of anyone’s mistakes, instead correct him politely. They should not play blame games or point fingers at others. A leader requires to be confident enough in his own decisions and those of his team to own them when they fail. 
Successful leaders are transparent enough with themselves and others to admit their wrong doings so that those around them can also benefit from their learnings. They take the blame but share the credit. When leaders admit their mistakes, they create an opportunity to earn respect, strengthen their teams and build a culture of trust.

Aiyan Thiruvalluvar says
பிறர்பழியும் தம்பழியும் நாணுவார் நாணுக்கு 
 என்னும் உலகு. (1015)

लज्जित है, जो देख निज, तथा पराया दोष ।
उनको कहता है जगत, ‘यह लज्जा का कोष’ ॥ (१०१५)

Explanation by Scholars

The world regards as the abode of modesty him who fear his own and other's guilt.

தமக்கு வரும் பழிக்காக மட்டுமின்றிப் பிறர்க்கு வரும் பழிக்காகவும் வருந்தி நாணுகின்றவர், நாணம் எனும் பண்பிற்கான உறைவிடமாவார்.


அணிஅன்றோ நாணுடைமை சான்றோர்க்கு அஃதின்றேல் 
பிணிஅன்றோ பீடு நடை. (1014)

भूषण महानुभाव का, क्या नहिं लज्जा-भाव ।
उसके बिन गंभीर गति, क्या नहिं रोग-तनाव ॥ (१०१४)

Explanation by Scholars by Scholar

Is not the modesty ornament of the noble ? Without it, their haughtiness would be a pain (to others).

நடந்த தவறு காரணமாகத் தமக்குள் வருந்துகிற நாணம் எனும் உணர்வு, பெரியவர்களுக்கு அணிகலன் ஆக விளங்கும். அந்த அணிகலன் இல்லாமல் என்னதான் பெருமிதமாக நடைபோட்டாலும், அந்த நடையை ஒரு நோய்க்கு ஒப்பானதாகவே கருத முடியும்.

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