Delegation of Authority

Work Place Management                  
Delegation of Authority means division of authority and powers downwards to the subordinate.  Delegation is about entrusting someone else to do parts of your job. Delegation of authority can be defined as subdivision and sub-allocation of powers to the subordinates in order to achieve effective results.
The process of delegation of authority begins with the duties assigned to the subordinate after analyzing his potential and ends when the subordinate is obliged to carry out the operations as intended.
Proper assessment is necessary before  assigning the roles & responsibilities in the organogram.
Aiyan Thiruvalluvar says
இதனை  இதனால் இவன்முடிக்கும் என்றாய்ந்து
அதனை அவன்கண் விடல்.
इस साधन से व्यक्ति यह, कर सकता यह कार्य ।
परिशीलन कर इस तरह, सौंप उसे वह कार्य ॥ (५१७)
Explanation by Scholars:
After having considered, "this man can accomplish this, by these means", leave with him the discharge of that duty.
இதனை இதனால் = this, by these means
இவன்முடிக்கும் = this man can accomplish 
என்றாய்ந்து =  After analyzing carefully
அதனை அவன்கண் விடல் =  delegate him to discharge that duty.

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