The Best Boss

Work Place Management                                  

"The best boss I ever had" and that is a phrase most of us have said or heard at some point. Unforgettable bosses change us for the better. They see more in us than we see in ourselves, and they help us learn to see it too.

They dream big and show us all the great things we can accomplish. Great bosses know and value the unique abilities and even the eccentricities of their subordinates, and they learn how best to integrate them into a coordinated plan of attack.

The best boss reassures his subordinates in the form of encouragement and stimulation to do even better. They both go hand-in-hand and the results from employees can be impressive. Once the employee is reassured that he is on the right track, then he can achieve anything.A great boss will soon become familiar with people’s talents and skills. He will dedicate one-on-one time to finding out about what his subordinate enjoys most at work, his ambitions, and where he is heading.

A bad boss will do everything to shift the blame on to an unfortunate team leader or member, when the faulty decision was definitely his.A bad boss may shut himself off and refuse to involve staff as he thinks he can solve the problems.

The good boss will admit mistakes and openly walk staff through the analysis of failure and the lessons to be learned. He is a great model for employees to follow and this will discourage them from playing the blame game.

We have all had difficult and bad tempered bosses, behaving as autocratic.

The good boss’s perceptions of what people are going though are paramount to building a great team. He is not just a figurehead playing a role but rather a person who is fully tuned into his five senses in understanding what is going on around him and he treats everyone equally.

A good boss knows that he will have to take the staff into his confidence for help and ideas. He invites suggestions, solutions and to move forward although there may be painful decisions to be made.If the boss meets all these good qualities, we should stay with him.

Aiyan Thiruvalluvar says

உற்றநோய் நீக்கி உறாஅமை முற்காக்கும்
பெற்றியார்ப் பேணிக் கொளல். (442)

आगत दुःख निवार कर, भावी दुःख से त्राण ।
करते जो, अपना उन्हें, करके आदर-मान ॥ (४४२

Explanation by Scholars:

Let (the person) procure and kindly care for men who can overcome difficulties when they occur, and guard against them before they happen.

வந்த துன்பங்களைப் போக்கும் வழி அறிந்து போக்கி, அவை திரும்பவும் வராமல் முன்னதாகவே காக்கும் ஆற்றல் மிக்கவரை, அவருக்கு வேண்டியதைச் செய்துதுணையாகப் பெறுக.

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