Good Advisor

Consultancy Management                                      

As with any field of endeavor there is not one trait or one skill that makes a successful advisor.  Rather it is a combination of skills, traits and personal attributes that provide the foundation for success. 

Expert knowledge is certainly one key element to advisor success.  The advisor should be up to date on all the best industry practices and have all the knowledge necessary to complete assigned tasks. A good advisor also makes sure that relationships with those in the organization are professional in nature. 
Communication skills, both written and verbal, are vital element for advisor. To be a good advisor you must be able to distil all your knowledge about the subject at hand and be able to impart that knowledge to others in finding solutions.
The ability to genuinely listen to people ensure that the advisor understands exactly what the issues are and what is expected of them.  
It is important for advisors to know their limitations and to seek guidance when appropriate. They look to others with greater experience or knowledge for advice.
The overall key is to know what is being asked of you as an advisor, and then being able to put all of your knowledge and skills to work to accomplish the organizational goal. 

Aiyan Thiruvalluvar says

அறனறிந்து ஆன்றமைந்த சொல்லான் எஞ்ஞான்றுந்
திறனறிந்தான் தேர்ச்சித் துணை. (635)

धर्म जान, संयम सहित, ज्ञानपूर्ण कर बात ।
सदा समझता शक्ति को, साथी है वह ख्यात ॥ (६३५)

Explanation by Scholars: 
He is the best person who understand the duties, of the leader, is by his special learning, able to tender the fullest advice, and at all times conversant with the best method (of performing actions).
அறத்தை அறிந்து கல்வியால் நிறைந்து, அடக்கமான சொல்லை உடையவராய், எப்போதும் செயலாற்றும் முறைகளைத் தெரிந்தவரே கலந்து முடிவு எடுப்பதற்கு ஏற்ற துணையாவார்.

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