Leadership Skills

Leadership Skills     
The important leadership skills are good communication, tireless efforts and courage.
Skills acquired and knowledge gained is only valuable to the extent it can be practically applied when called for. It is simply impossible to become a great leader without being a great communicator.

The good communicators possess a heightened sense of situational and contextual awareness. The best communicators are great listeners and astute in their observations.

Best communicators are skilled at reading a person/group by sensing the moods, dynamics, attitudes, values and concerns of those being communicated with. The good leader often excels at making logical decisions and then works tirelessly to implement and analyze the results till the end.
Hard work doesn’t make us tired. A lack of purpose is what makes us tired. Leaders need courage to exercise their voice and act on their convictions despite social/organizational conflicts and pressures.
Leaders have to make many decisions each day, and these decisions often involve difficult and risky situations. When the challenges are uncertain and volatile, the problems are complex and have no clear and easy solution, it is easy to be paralyzed in such situations and avoid making decisions. 
Courageous leaders initiate and carry through their decisions. Courageous leaders even seize the opportunity to innovate, transform their organizations, or pursue new enterprises in order to be more effective.

Aiyan Thiruvalluvar says
சொலல்வல்லன்  சோர்விலன்  அஞ்சான்  அவனை
இகல்வெல்லல்  யார்க்கும்  அரிது.  (647) 

भाषण-पटु, निर्भय तथा, रहता जो अश्रान्त ।
उसपर जय प्रतिवाद में, पाना कठिन नितान्त ॥ (६४७)

Explanation by Scholars
It is impossible for anyone to conquer him by intrigue who possesses power of speech, and is neither faulty nor timid.

சொல்லாற்றல் படைத்தவனாகவும்சோர்வு அறியாதவனாகவும்
அஞ்சாநெஞ்சங் கொண்டவனாகவும்  இருப்பவனை எதிர்த்து எவராலும் 
வெல்ல முடியாது.

1 comment:

Ale Rossi said...

Thank you for sharing such a great information on leadership skills. Everyone should have good leadership skills to handle client or operate business.
Ale Rossi