

Self Motivation is the inner power that pushes us towards taking action and towards achievement.  Self-motivation is the force that drives us to do things.   It is a key life skill, something that everybody interested in personal development should think carefully about.
Many times we may have the desire to achieve a certain goal, but sometimes the desire and ambition are not strong enough, we lack the initiative, the push and willingness to take necessary action, which is lack of motivation and inner drive.
So, when there is motivation, there is initiative and direction, courage, energy, patience and persistence. Only motivated persons take action and do whatever is needed to achieve their goals. Lack of motivation affects both personal productivity and that of the team. Laziness leads to lack of motivation. 
Lack of self motivation leads to poor attitude, low self-esteem, and very little drive to complete the tasks. Without self motivation, the smallest setbacks in life could prove too difficult to overcome. 
Self motivation allows us to be more upbeat during our everyday tasks as well as during the more challenging ones and is an essential component to a successful life. Motivation awakens the inner strength and power, and pushes forward, towards making the vision a reality. 
Motivation is one of the most important keys to success.  A motivated person is a happier person, more energetic, sees the positive end result in his/her mind and can achieve success in life.

Aiyan Thiruvalluvar says
ஆக்கம் அதர்வினாய்ச் செல்லும் அசைவிலா
 முடையா னுழை. (594)

जिस उत्साही पुरुष का, अचल रहे उत्साह ।
वित्त चले उसके यहाँ, पूछ-ताछ कर राह ॥ (५९४)

Explanation by Scholars:
Wealth will find its own way to the man of unfailing energy.
தளராத ஊக்கம் உள்ளவனிடம், செல்வமானது தானே அவன் முகவரியை  அறிந்து செல்லும்.

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