Team Leader

Team Management                                                 
A team leader is someone who provides guidance, instruction, direction and motivation to a group of other individuals (the team) for achieving the key results.

Team leaders are critical to a team’s success and the team needs a leader to iron out the vision and mission. If a team doesn’t have a leader it may lose steam, unable to get motivated to complete a project in the necessary timeframe.

Team needs a leader to not only keep track of the completion date, but to cheer them on. Without team leader's good communication, the team become disorganized, ineffective and disinterested.

Without a leader there is no standard to follow and team integrity eventually erodes. Teams with formal leaders tend to be more efficient in making decisions.

With leaderless teams, decisions take more time since the team members work to build consensus. The leader will often know where members need to create synergy across their groups or functions.

The leader can encourage team members to bring appropriate issues to the team meeting for dialogue and input.

Effective team leaders ensure that team morale remains high and that members are motivated to perform well.

Even though the teams are great, at some point in time, a leader needs to stand up and lead.

It may be remembered that an organizational team without a leader is like a cricket team without a captain.

Aiyan Thiruvalluvar says

முதலிலார்க ஊதிய மில்லை மதலையாஞ்
சார்பிலார்க் கில்லை நிலை. (449)

बिना मूलधन वणिक जन, पावेंगे नहिं लाभ ।
सहचर-आश्रय रहित नृप, करें न स्थिरता लाभ ॥ (४४९)

Explanation by Scholars:

There can be no gain to those who have no capital and in like manner there can be no permanence to those who are without the support of adherents.

கட்டடத்தைத் தாங்கும் தூண் போலத் தம்மைத் தாங்கி நிற்கக்கூடிய துணையில்லாதவர்களின் நிலைமுதலீடு செய்யாத வாணிபத்தில் வருவாய் இல்லாத நிலையைப் போன்றதேயாகும்.

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