Team Management
Teamwork is a concept where people work
together effectively to achieve a common target. Projects often require
that people should work together to accomplish a common goal for the success.
A team understands the qualities and abilities
of each member of the team and each member is encouraged to participate and
give his contribution to the team.
Team spirit is the feeling of pride and loyalty
that exists among the members of a team and that makes them do well and to be
the best. Team spirit plays an important role both in
personal and professional life. Teams with a high spirit and strong sense
of togetherness have better chances of success. For a group of people in which each member wants the group as a whole to
succeed, we can expect a high degree of motivation, commitment and cooperation.
Workload is shared and individuals feel
motivated to perform better. It will lead to higher team performance which
manifests in the form of exceptional results and high efficiency and better satisfaction
of team members.
High-spirit teams may spread out their energy
and morale to other groups in their work environment and thus, have a positive
influence on spirit and culture of a whole organization. Team and team work must be encouraged at workplace as it strengthens the bond
among the employees and the targets can be met at a faster pace.
Aiyan Thiruvalluvar says
செல்லாத் துனியும் வறுமையும்
வெல்லும் படை.
लगातार करना घृणा, क्षय होना औ’ दैन्य ।
जिसमें ये होते नहीं, पाता जय वह सैन्य ॥ (७६९)
जिसमें ये होते नहीं, पाता जय वह सैन्य ॥ (७६९)
Explanation by Scholars
Where weakness, clinging fear and lack of
spirit are not, the host (team) will gain the victory.
தான் தேய்ந்து சிறிதாகலும், மனத்தினின்று
நீங்காத வெறுப்பும், நல்குரவும்தனக்கில்லை யாயின், படை வெல்லும்.
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